During your birth experience, we are right by your side, ready to offer hands-on, emotional, physical, and educational support for your changing needs. We will help you work through changes to your birth plan as they are happening so that you are never alone and have the opportunity to fully understand each new obstacle thrown your way. This service averages 35-60 hours of support per client
- Initial consultation
- 2 prenatal visits- discuss your birth history, desires for your current birth, & birth plan options. I will demonstrate for you and your partner massage techniques, positions, and exercises beneficial during your pregnancy and labor
- 2 Partner Pulse Check visits-Private virtual session for support person to address their needs in this journey and help them best support mom (1 prenatal 1 postpartum)
- Unlimited call/text/email support
- Unlimited access to virtual library and resources until 8 weeks postpartum
- Access to our Client Community Forums
- Access to live childbirth classes
- Train for Birth virtual Workshop by Krisha Crosley
- Access to Evidence Based Birth Savvy Prenatal Curriculum
- 24-hour on-call support from 38-42 weeks gestation
- Continuous physical and emotional support during labor and/or birth
- 1-2 hours initial Postpartum doula support
- Initial breastfeeding support
- Written souvenir timeline of your birth
- Postpartum visit- 1-4 weeks after birth discuss your birth experience, evaluate breastfeeding progress, adjustment postpartum, address additional needs
**May increase Prenatal/Postpartum Visits and/or extend Postpartum support for additional fees**
**Save when you combine with our Nurtured Postpartum Package**