Do you like the idea of having a doula, but would prefer to birth privately? Our Birth Plan Assistance might just be what you’re looking for!
**This service is offered virtually or In office without labor support**
Single 2-3 hour prenatal visit
- Discuss your health, birth history, and desires for your current birth
- Review questions to ask your provider prior to birth
- Answer questions regarding hospital procedures/protocol and explain what you can expect once admitted to hospital/birthing center–for vaginal or cesarean births
- Possible interventions you may encounter during labor, along with real instruments used in labor
- Review positions beneficial for labor progression
- Suggest additional comfort measures
- Teaching Comfort Measures to you and your partner (additional fee if virtual)
- Advise support person in ways to assist during labor and how to best advocate for mom
- Address initial procedures/care of newborn the first few hours after birth
- Finalization of a customized birth plan you may keep as a reference for yourself or share with your provider and others who will be present for your birth
After Visit
- Assistance with making changes to your plan as needed until your birth
- Postpartum doula follow up by phone to discuss your birth experience and any additional need for referrals